smart hydrogen solutions GmbH provides green hydrogen from decentralized generation for environmentally friendly mobility.
Hydrogen can not only be generated from renewable electricity, its use does not cause any environmental damage or emissions. When handled correctly, hydrogen is a very safe source of energy that can also serve as a storage medium for excess renewable electricity.
smart hydrogen solutions GmbH plans, finances, builds and operates decentralized plants for generating and storing hydrogen from renewable energy sources. With the hydrogen thus generated, transport systems such as e.g. buses, trains, ships or trucks can be powered reliably and environmentally friendly.
smart hydrogen solutions GmbH
Dr. Christian Philipp
Kaflerstr. 4 | 81241 Munich | Germany
Tel.: +49 (0)89 58 00 81 20
Mail: welcome@smart-h2.de

Generate hydrogen decentrally
Long transport routes to the consumer increase the CO2 footprint and cause additional complexity in the supply chain. The dec…

Green Hydrogen
One way to categorize hydrogen is by the type of primary energy used to produce it. Depending on whether the electrolysis of …

Hydrogen in mobile applications
Electric drives make it possible to move away from fossil fuels and to avoid local emissions. They are increasingly used for …

Hydrogen and safety
Hydrogen is safe when handled correctly. It is not explosive, oxidizing or self-igniting, but it can form explosive mixtures …